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risk probability是什么意思



1)risk rate,风险率2)risk probability,风险率3)hazard rate,风险率4)risk,风险率5)failure rate,风险率6)risk probability,风险概率


    Methods of reservoir flood routing risk analysis and risk rate calculation based on forecasting flood volume error distribution are raised.


    This article discusses the hydraulic risk rate of the existing dam based on the achievement of hydraulic model test.


    Under such of output and time-period initial water level being known circumstances, to put up the relation between natural inflow and reservoir water level, and so to reach to the risk rate of reservoir electric power regulation.


    A stochastic simulation technique is applied to calculate the risk probability based on joint probability theory.


    The mathematical model of risk probability of the criteria of river diversion is established.


    This paper also puts forward the specific methods and procedures to calculate river closure risk probability by means of the data surveyed in practice and stochastic simulation method with an illustrating case study made on the data surveyed in practice.

    从全面分析立堵截流风险的角度出发 ,总结了大落差、高流速型截流工程的两种合理的截流风险变量和风险率模型 ,提出了用实测资料法和随机性模拟法计算截流风险率的具体方法和步骤 ,而且用实测资料法进行了工程实例计算 ,计算结果表明两种模型具有一致性 ,并初步揭示了风险率的一些规律 ;在此基础上 ,进一步分析了截流风险的评价和处理准则 ,提出了截流方案合理风险度的建议 ,为截流方案风险决策奠定了基

    In the abandonment point, when the sunk costs were small or the hazard rate was high, the Marshallian level was exceeded .

    影响的结果是使得决策投资进入点升高 ,在退出点 ,如沉淀成本较小或风险率很大时 ,退出点超过Marshallian水平 ,使得公司在期望价值为正时也可能放弃研

    This paper introduces a few main Stochastic orderings,including expected utility criterion,stochastic dominance,likelihood ratio,hazard rate and mean-variance rule,and finally discusses the relations among these stochastic orderings.


    Research of risk analysis of water conservancy projects and related indexes;


    Then, the stochastic mathematical model of flood routing is introduced to transform the risk of hydrological forecasting into risk of flood control.


    By consideration of uncertainty of hydrology and hydraulics, risks of riverclosure system have beed defined.


    The failure rate curve is an important basis for establishing the scheme of the technical support in medical engineering.


    Mixtures of Laplace distribution may be unimodal or bimodal with the tail of its failure rate horizontal in equal variance case and degressive in unequal variance case.


    Development of the software for the risk probability analysis of long-distance oil/gas pipeline;


    A research on risk probability decision making on tramp ship voyage estimate;


    To assess the complex system's risk probability while the number of the simples was limited,the small probability assessment modeling method by small simples was put forward,and the mapped relationship between the cumulating probability and the extremum of the critical parameter was approached by nonlinear function.
