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Closed economy是什么意思



1)Closed economy,闭关自守经济2)close-door-to-outside,闭关自守3)autarky,自给自足,闭关自守4)Closed Economy,封闭经济5)Stop using freely,自由关闭6)self-closing[self'kləuziŋ],自关闭的


    There are many differences between monopoly in a closed economy and that in an open economy,such as the causes of monopoly,the subject of monopoly,economic influences of monopoly,the judging criteria of the degree of monopoly,impacts of monopoly on market competition inside the economy or in the international market,and the monopoly structure inside the economy etc.


    Fourthly, the meaning of a closed economy and its main characteristics are listed.


    a closed society, economy


    Independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign.


    As a consequence, the country declined into poverty and ignorance.


    A closed economy will not put a country on the way to prosperity.


    But independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign.


    Lyon seemed ready to subside into a sleepy and closed provincial city.


    These new cities were not closed corporations, like those of old Greece.


    At the same time, experience has taught us that we must no longer keep the country closed to the outside world and that we must bring the initiative of our people into full play.


    Never should a man stay in a closed-door room. You should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing.


    If we isolate ourselves and close our doors again, it will be absolutely impossible for us to approach the level of the developed countries in 50 years.


    After the founding of the People's Republic we were blockaded by others, so the country remained virtually closed, which created difficulties for us.


    Now, after analysing our experience, we have decided to abandon the closed-door policy and open to the outside world, and to invigorate the domestic economy, so as to stimulate the initiative of the whole nation.


    In the "global village"of today,a country that continues to withdraw into itself can never achieve economic success


    Reviewing our history, we have concluded that one of the most important reasons for China's long years of stagnation and backwardness was its policy of closing the country to outside contact.


    China remained isolated for more than 300 years from the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the Opium War, or for nearly 200 years counting from the reign of Kang Xi.


    One important reason for China's backwardness after the industrial revolution in Western countries was its closed-door policy.


    The national prestige in their heart was the usual practice linked with the adopt closed-door policy and the order and ceremonial forms which reflected the Sanctity of Celestial Empire of China.


    a policy of seclusion

    闭关 (自守) 政策