Nature of right of the real claim and effects which it has on extinctive prescription;
The extinctive prescription of tax debt is an important cause for the termination of tax debt, and is significant for urging tax creditors to exercise creditors rights in time and protecting taxpayers rights as well as establishing a stable and harmonious tax relation between the taxpayers and leviers.
Among the above mentioned doctrine,reditor s right doctrine not only suits to meet the need of codification of legal relations or rights type,but also offers the basis for the application of the institution of extinctive prescription,and it also provides guides for perfection of legislation in methodology.
A study on the negative prescription about the petition right over things;
Ultimately, the paper concludes that positive prescription and negative prescription should be an entity in perfent harmony Code to be issued, the system of positive prescription should be set up.
According to “General Surveys”, the effect of negative prescription is composed of three doctrines: extinction of subjective right, extinction of claims and occurrence of right to counterargument.
The term of extinctive prescription embodies the rational concessive limitation of rights to facts,and compromise limitation of state-should-be to practical state.
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