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the doctrine of retroactivity是什么意思



1)the doctrine of retroactivity,溯及既往原则2)retroactive effect,溯及力3)retroactivity,溯及力4)retroactivity,溯及既往5)retroaction,溯及力6)exception retroactivity,例外溯及


    It is a complicated issue whether the jurisdiction of international tribunals has a retroactive effect.

    国际裁判法庭的管辖权是否具有溯及力 ,是个复杂的问题。

    The new criminal law of The People s Republic of China adopts the principle “in accordance with the old and light law” in the question of retroactive effect, and this is the important exhibition of the development of our criminal law in the direction of science and democratization.


    A Simple Analysis on the Complementary Norm in Blank Penal Code and Its Retroactivity;


    The time limit of legislative explanation of criminal law includes the effective date,revocation date,and retroactivity.


    According to our Contract Law, the system of cancellation of contract can be classified into two categories, namely, cancellation by agreement or through exercising right of cancellation, which leads to cross conflicts between termination of contract and cancellation of contract, resulting in logical contradictions in the retroactivity of cancellation of contract.


    The Xiaogong Question from the Chapter Title Fixing in the Book of Lord Shang bring to three basic difficulties for the rule of innovative law:the retroactivity of the innovative law,the urgency of the founding authority,and the legality of officials behavior.


    This application mode of judicial interpretations not only causes purposeful actions to avoid the legal prescription,but also deviates from the goal of anti-retroactivity principle.


    Namely,this provision affirms retroaction of limitations of prosecution.


    Theoretically there are two viewpoints about retroaction and matter adjudged of criminal law: principle of mutuality and principle of separation.


    The starting point and the home to return to of the retroaction of criminal law is the safeguard of human rights,the reflection of the spirit of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime.

    刑法的溯及力的出发点和归宿是人权保障 ,是相对罪刑法定精神的体现。