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今天是:2025年3月15日 星期六

head of consular post是什么意思



1)head of consular post,领馆馆长2)Curator,馆长3)library director,馆长4)director,馆长5)chief librarian,馆长6)library header,馆领导


    The Responsibility of the Curator in the Crisis Management;


    Discussion on the Quality of the Curator in Library of Polytechnic College;


    Research on the Qualifications of the University Library Director;


    This paper expounds the important functions of the library director in library work, and connecting with the practice, probes into the some effective methods for being a good library director under the new situation.


    The new century brings about the chances and challenges to the development of the library, and cultivating and fostering the director of the library with higher quality is the key for realizing the modernized management of the library.


    This article will combine the phylosaphy of Lao Zi Management with the art of the management of the Library dorector And it sbelieved that such ideas as "Treating people as the dominant factor""nature""teaching others by the own examples""treating equady""affection""self-knowledge"have active and guiding meahings for the art of management of the library director in the new situatio


    The paper thinks that library director should command and apply management psychology knowledge in library s manage activities,understand in time librarians psychology phenomenon and psychology activity rules,try to arouse librarians work consciousness and enthusiasm,use talents rationally,strengthen library s wind construction,optimize service environment and improve work efficiency and quality.

    文章认为图书馆馆长在图书馆管理活动中要充分掌握并运用管理心理学知识 ,及时了解馆员心理现象及心理活动规律 ,努力调动馆员的工作自觉性和积极性 ,合理使用人才 ,加强馆风建设 ,优化服务环境 ,提高工作效率及质量。

    The paper analyzes the roles the chief librarian should play in the library from various perspectives and points out that the chief librarian plays a key role in the construction and development of libraries.


    The author discusses three aspects of using the rules and regulations by chief librarian:the direction is decided by policy,the action is restricted by regulations,and librarian sets an example.

    文章讨论了馆长用法的三个方面 :政策定向术、规章制约术、以身作则术 ,最后 ,结合实际提出要走出用法的七大误区。

    Constructing harmonious university library must pay adequate attention to the harmony between the library header and the librarian, the library header and the library reader, the librarian and the librarian, and the librarian and the reader, and the harmony of the library environment.


    Government Librarians Association


    Hong Kong Curators Association


    Jose showed the painting to the director of the museum.


    a chartered engineer, librarian, surveyor, etc

    特许工程师、 图书馆馆长、 检测官等.

    The curator conducted the visitors round the museum.


    The curator took me personally through the museum.


    Exploration on the Construction of 21st Librarians Team in Universities and Colleges;


    The Thinking about Appointing the Leading of the University Library;


    From the archaized visiting card, he is a curator of a museum.

    从他的仿古名剌上看, 他的头衔是博物馆馆长

    The director was proud to have such a panting in his museum.


    An essential book for Kodak collectors by the former curator of the Kodak museum.


    An Enquiry on the Qualification of Curators of College Libraries in the Age of Information;


    The long-term coexistence of traditional library with digital library;


    Simple Discussion on the Function of the Economy Analysis in the Decision of Library Curator of Colleges;


    Modern Academic Library Management and the Management Arts of the Library Director;


    Based on humanism,building up good relationship inside library;

    以人为本 建立高校图书馆良好的人际关系——试谈馆长与馆员的协作

    Libraries Enrich Your Life--Report of China-U.S. Librarians Professional Exchange Project


    Exhibition Hall of Changchun GeologicalInstitute
