An improved power flow algorithm for meshed distribution networks based on superposition principle and forward/backward sweep method;
Based on branch current ,this back/forward sweep algorithm is very efficient for distribution network power flow calculation.
在简单的支路始末节点数据输入的基础上确定配网拓扑结构表 ,经过遍历深度优先搜索形成层次结构和节点队列以决定潮流计算的节点顺序 ,以基于支路电流的前推后代法为理论基础 ,形成一种实用的配电网潮流计算方法 ,算例表明该方法无需复杂的网络编号、不用形成导纳矩阵、迭代次数少、结果精
In order to analyze EM scattering of a randomly rough surface with a buried PEC target,a fast Cross coupling iterative approach based on conjugate gradient method(CG) and forward backward method(FBM) is presented in this paper.
Language is an important part of vocal music,through horizontality and verticality method,front and behind method,wide and narrow method,the problem of aspirated words can be solved.
Moreover, the forward/backward sweep method is improved to deal with the weekly looped system and transformer branch.
Intellectuals Transformation and Legal Modernization of Modern China around the Reform Movement of 1898;
"Times After Arafat" Peaceful Settlement to the conflict of Middle East
Hunan Youth s Work-study Practice in France around the 20s of the 20ieth Century;
as wave follows wave, so new men take old men's places.
As in the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those before, so each new generation excels the last one.
One age bequeaths its civilization to the next.
As in the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those ahead, so each new generation excels the last one.; Time makes it inevitable that in every profession the rising generation is worthier than the former one.
长江后浪推前浪, 一代更比一代强。
Introduction of Lacquerware in Song Dynasty;
传承前代 开启后来——宋代髹漆
It replaces the former quarter sessions.
Walnuts and pears you plant for your heirs.
As technologies improve, each generation can do things that the previous generation would have considered wasteful
The Thorough Analysis on the Cause of Frustration of the Construction of Democracy and Legal System in around 1960 s in China;
Modern Crisis and its Post-modernism Conversion of Contemporary Civil Law
The so-called modern and post-modern context at present mention. the calligraphy art's true qualities, Whose existence is of absolute necessity.
Current Moral Education Should Syncretize Modernism and Postmodernism;
a filial generation
【生】杂交后代, 子代
Scopic Division in Modern Art Research: Modernism, Avant-guarde, Post-modernism;
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