The publication of ways of Handling official Documents From state Administrative organs by the state council on August 24,2000 is a significant act in the reform of official documents,which sums up the theory and practice of handling official documents from state administrative organs in recent years,and eliminates some conflicts and drawbacks in the previous "Ways".
Directive literature explaining public documents of state government organizations must clasp detailed rules on documentation of state government organizations, lucubrate into correlative rules and pay attention to available confines.
Directive literature explaining public documents of state government organizations must clasp detailed rules on documentation of state government organizations, lucubrate into correlative rules and pay attention to available confines.
公文著述解释国家行政机关公文必须扣紧《国家行政机关公文处理办法》 ,吃透相关公文的规定 ;注意《办法》规定的适用范
The origin of the state: one way or two ways;
Issues on the State s Claims for Compensation for Shipping Pollution Damage to Marine Environment;
The author in this paper discusses the responsibility of the state from the four aspects: the publicity in the Collaborative Medical System in rural areas; the unfair sanitation system between the rural and urban areas; the efficiency of the investment in the sanitation and the guarantee of the medical security system in rural areas.
Restoration of the National College Entrance Examination Saved the Whole Nation and the Country——Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Restoration of the National College Entrance Examination;
The Dual Unity between the War of Resistance Against Japan and the Chinese Country Nationality;
Responsible for country: the mission embodied in university;
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