Good Faith and Its Maintenance in Harmonious Society;
On the Application of the Principle of Good Faith in the Administrative Contract;
An Economic Analysis on the Principle of Good Faith in Law of Contract;
As the law foundation of the establishing of right to variation in project, the honesty and credit principle has been discussed in this paper.
The theoretical basis for liability for miss promise is breaching the devoir of the foregoing contract that is based on honesty and credit and can be classified into the liability for fault.
Essential reason can be concluded that companies and peasants are lack of honesty and credit.
Culpa in Contrahendo is the responsiblity of compensation for damage that the party should be born to the other for violating the honest credit principle in the course of ordering a contract.
缔约过失责任是指当事人在订立合同过程中因违反诚实信用原则 ,给对方造成损失所应当承担的损害赔偿责任。
The main ideas are:unifing the contract acts,requlating markets activities concerning contracts,giving full play to the effect of the con tract system,distributing the responsibilities of the people concerned,developing honest credit,renewing the contract system,trying to meet the international standards,protecting lawful creditor s rights,ruling out the contract risks.
合同法的基本精神就是统一合同立法、规范市场主体的合同行为 ,注重发挥合同法的体系作用 ,平衡当事人的合同责任 ,弘扬诚实信用 ,创新合同制度 ,力争与国际接轨 ,鼓励市场交易、保护合法债权、化解合同风
This paper further clarifies the important roles the honest credit principle should play in the relations of contracts by expounding the concept and making of contracts,contract fulfilment.
本文通过对诚实信用原则概念及在合同订立、履行等各个阶段适用的阐述 ,进一步明确了诚实信用原则在合同关系中所发挥的重要作
The fair idea of action and the principle of good faith;
This text discusses in detail the relationship of the principle of good faith and justice,lawsuit efficiency,and the conflict of the principle of good faith with strict rule from the jurisprudence.
Good faith doctrine,as a“king clause”,is a most important principle in laws.
This paper analyzes that the post-contract duty is based on the good faith doctrine from its producing basis, legal characters and development, and it has the function of balancing the droit and interests between a person and the social, and the function of pursuiting real justice.
As an important component in the civil law,the principle of honesty and credibility has played an important role in the regulation of civil law relationship.
Civilian activities should observe voluntary, equitable, equivalence compensation, the principle of honesty and credibility.
Affiliated obligation as the obligation of the contract appears along with the rise of the principle of honesty and credibility.
附随义务是随着诚实信用原则的兴起而产生的一种合同义务 ,对于保护和平衡合同当事人双方的利益 ,实现契约正义 ,发挥着重要的作用。
Good faith principle and the construction of its legal system;
Good Faith in China;
On Correspondence between the Principle of Faithfulness and Credit and the Rule of Law --Faithfulness and credit as the principle of constitution;
Legislative Evolution And Judicial Practice Of The Principle Of Bona Fides;
On the Application of the Principle of Good Faith in Civil Procedure;
The Application of Honesty and Credit Principle in Administrative Enforcement of Law;
Principle of Faith vs Abuse of Civil Procedure;
(3) other acts which violate the principles of honesty and trustworthiness.
(iii) any other conduct which violates the principle of good faith.
In concluding a contract, the parties thereto shall implement the principle of good faith.
Question in "King Provision" Status of Honest Credit Principle;
A Study on the Principle of Good Faith of PICC;
Comment on Honesty and Credit Principle in China "Trade Mark Act";
Rational consideration and scientific position on principle of good faith;
On the Establishment of the Principle of Credibility in the Case of the Civil Lawsuits;
On the Application of the Good Faith Principle in Criminal Procedure;
Moral Connotations of Credit and Honesty Principle in Chinese Contract Law;
Good faith doctrine in Contract Law;
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