Art: Guarding the Thing——A Thought on the Thing in This Era;
The Science of Design:From Creating Object to Accomplishing Affair;
The relation between reference and objects is regarded as the reference theory in ancient China logic,but there are essential difference and closely relation between them.
If we carefully study the term "object" in related articles,we would come to know that very often it refers to the objectively existing alternative,or the object image of the writer s vision during his ideation,or even the figure he depicts in his literary work.
The "Mind" and the "Substance" that are Formed in "Intuitive Knowlege"and Their Relationship——A reasonable annotation of Wang Yangming s Idea "Nothing Exists beyond the Mind";
Zhuangzi s doubt and denial of all substance and reality,function and utility indicates its doubt of the certainty of the existence.
Productive forces, human ability to conquer and remould nature, can be inter-Dreted as a constitution of“two factors”,i,e, the constitution of man and matter(means ofproduction and object of labour),apart from the constitutioii of the traditional“three factors”.
The text of Mythos is translated into a philosophical text of physics by Aristotle, in which matter is interpreted as physics which provides positions for matter and the history of philosophy is actually the history of the degradation of the physical world.
The world is the basis for the things to exist on,and the design an aim for usefulness,it is based on the world and the earth.
That is, it concerns a question what are Tao and the utility of things.
Communication with ‘objects ——Young Children s Special Communication Form;
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