Asian options are one of the most popular exotic options in OTC markets, but there is no closedform solution for its price yet.
Asian options are such popular exotic options that the valuation,especially the valuation of arithmetic Asian options which are traded in the OTC markets,is a problem of not only theoretical research but also practical applications.
提出了一个新的用来估计亚洲期权价格的多元控制变量估计 ,由数值结果可知 ,当离到期时间很长或标的资产收益的波动率很大的时候它对其他控制变量估计有显著的改进。
Asian options are well known examples of path dependent options whose payoffs depend on historical value of the underlying asset over a given time period as well as its current price.
亚洲期权是路径依赖期权的一个突出的例子 。
With the boundary conditions,we derive the analytic formula of the rainbow geometric average Asian call option and call-put parity relationship on rainbow geometric average Asian options.
With the help of the above analytic fomulae as the control variate,we further simulate the rainbow arithmetic average Asian options.
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