Starting from a philosophical point of view,it is trying to explain the intrinsic relation between the search of mankind for its spiritual homeland and the sense of hardship of literature,and further on through comparison between Chinese and Western Literature and Culture it is exploring the sense of hardship in Chinese Literature and its expression and characteristics.
从哲学角度 ,揭示人类寻找精神家园与文学忧患意识之间的必然联系 ,并进一步从中西文学、文化的对比中 ,探讨中国文学的忧患意识以及忧患意识的表现特征 ,从而确定在东西方文化和文学相互交汇、碰撞的历史时期 ,中国文学在世界文化格局中日益突出的位置及意
The sense of hardship s education of the contemporary college students exists the problem that contents sole,filling the blessing consciousness.
Overall,Du fu s poetry displays the highly benevolent feeling and the highly sense of re- sponsibility with his related things,in other words,reflected the sense of hardship in his poetr
Education of Hardship Consciousness For Academicians;
On the Historical Significance and the Era s Characteristics of the Hardship Consciousness;
As an important connotation of A Dream of Red Mansions,hardship consciousness is throughout the book.
They persisted in the publication idea that education and culture can rescue the nation,and their action embodied traditional intellectuals suffering consciousness and pragmatic spirit in the first half of 20th century s publication industry.
knowledge rebuilding consciousness as usual, he also should have suffering consciousness.
为争生存求发展 ,学报编辑尤其高师学报的编辑 ,除了应具有通常论及的政治意识、经营意识、知识重组意识、精品意识外 ,还应具有忧患意识、竞争意识、定位意识。
Because of the traditional education which he accepted, Shi Menglan had strong suffering consciousness, but lacked the capability used to change the society.
I discuss the imaginary of the nation as embodied in the images of the overseas compatriots,loafers,and wanderers,and sense of anxiety.
In the writing of"Wild Grass",Lu Xun poured the enlightenment utilitarianism with strong sense of anxiety into his clear and persistent exploration of art.
C should acquire the scientific sense of anxiety.
"In the face of a world that is far from being tranquil and the formidable tasks before us, all Party members must be mindful of the potential danger and stay prepared against adversities in times of peace."
Referring to History, Reflecting on the Times, and Being Prepard for Danger in Times of Peace;
察时鉴史 居安思危——论《尚书·无逸》中周公的忧患意识
Reflections on Enhancing Consciousness of Anxiety and Improving Managerial Capabilities;
Reflections on the Sense of Anxiety and Superior Consciousness under the Current Financial Crisis
Strengthening the Hardship Consciousness to Enhance the Inner Impetus for Chinese Communist Party’s Ability of Governance;
Acquiring the Sense of Anxiety and Enhancing the Party s Ruling Position;
On Strengthening Military Academy Students' Consciousness of Hardship
Living in the Consciousness of Suffering,Dying at Ease--ON Mencius Consciousness of Suffering;
Strengthening Crisis Consciousness and Holding the Opportunities of Entry into WTO -The Idea about the Development of China s Textile Industry When it Enters WTO;
Formation of Consciousness of Being prepared for Unexpected and Significance of Enhancing the Consciousness at Present;
The Suffering Consciousness in the Agricultural Thought in Qi Min Yao Shu;
The Forming and Meaning of Traditional Consciousness of Hardship;
On Li Gou′s Consciousness of Suffering and His Thought of Political Reform;
You should think of danger in time of peace. To think so can lead to preparation and preparation averts calamities.
To Better Comprehend the Important Thought of “Three Represents”;
Exploration of Strengthening the Education and Cultivation of University Students Senes of Hardship;
Intensifyig Teenagers Education in the Awareness of the Potential Dangers;
For a small and affluent country like Singapore, the lack of a sense of crisis among its people is perhaps the biggest crisis for us.
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