The article makes an exploratory study of the selection and engagement of the directors in the following aspects:(1)analyse the post duties of a director;(2)set up a fair,equal,competitive,optimum-seeking system of a director s selection and engagement;(3)carry out term engagement with a scientific,fair,objective assessment system of achievements;(4)establish post responsibility in which.
从以下几方面探讨了医院科主任的选拔与聘用 :①做好科主任岗位职务分析 ;②建立公平、平等、竞争、择优的科主任选聘制度 ;③实行任期聘用制 ,建立科学、公正、客观的绩效考核制度 ;④建立职责明确 ,有效放权的岗位责任制 ;⑤建立公正、公平、合理的薪酬体系。
Effect of interface and preferred orientation on the hardness of TiN/ZrN multilayers;
The morphology of Ni deposit and preferred orientation of Ni grains were also analyzed using SEM and XRD techniques.
The preferred orientation along axial direction and microstruc- tural evolution of the alloys under different growth velocities were investigated.
Characterization of preferential orientation of martensitic variants in Ni_ (52)Mn_(24)Ga_(24) single crystal;
According to XRD analysis,it shows that there is preferential orientation of nacre on(002) plane besides(014) pl.
The preferential orientation and surface morphology of the as-deposited films were respectively studied by X-ray diffraction(XRD),field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM).
采用直流反应磁控溅射法在不同衬底温度(20~490℃)下沉积了A lN薄膜,用XRD分析了薄膜的择优取向,用高分辨场发射扫描电镜来表征了薄膜的表面型貌。
Influence of site preference of Al(Ga) atoms on magneto crystalline anisotropy of Gd_2Co_17 compounds;
The site preference of alloy elements Fe and Ti in YCo5-based compounds with CaCu5 structure was studied by employing interatomic potentials and Modified-Blagg-Williams model.
利用多元晶体中原子择优占位MBW模型和原子间相互作用势,从原子层次对合金 元素Fe,Ti在CaCu5结构的Y-Co合金中的择优占位进行了计算研究。
The preferred growth of nc-Si in the Boron-doped films is found.
There is a transition time beforethe steady stateis reached and ndcrocirculation preferential sputtering is informed in the range ofthe determinable ingredient at last.
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