The primary and middle school principal has always been regarded as an executive post in our country,so they are treated as the go vernment officials in responsibili ties,appointment,promotion and re munera-tion,but the school is not the govern ment and the principals are not execu tive officials,instead they are pro fessional management personnel.
Primary and Middle School Principal :From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession
Mark's in for an administrative job in the Civil Service.
A captain who was reduced from command of a battleship to administrative duty ashore.
The Administrative Adjudication Function of Public Service Oriented Government and Its Regulation
She deputises for the Chief Executive when he is not able to discharge his duties for a short period, and is the Senior Official Member of the Executive Council.
The Chief Secretary for Administration also deputises for the Chief Executive when he is not able to discharge his duties for a short period, and is the Senior Official Member of the Executive Council.
Research on the National Administration Compensation System of"The Expectant Duty Behavior";
Harbour Officer's Negligences in Duties
On official crime in administrative law enforcement:types,logic and countermeasures;
The Second Transform of the Government s Function under Serving Administration;
A Study of the Function of E-government for Government to Carry out its Duties Well;
Administrative Ecology and Strengthening of the Role in Countryside Public Service of Government in Ethnic Region
Those who obstruct or prevent functionaries of relevant administrative departments from performing their duties in accordance with the law,.
Research on the State Administration Compensation System about "the Act Connected with Duty";
The constituent ministries or commissions of the State Council shall administrate the State agencies administrated by the constituent ministries or commissions of the State Council, which shall take charge of specialized work and exercise administrative and managerial functions.
Administration ethics , means that the staff member of administration is the code of ethic of exercising authority in the ethics, which should be observed when fulfilling the post .
persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers.
Research on the Government Responsibility in the Process of the Compulsory Education;
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