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upholds the principle of combining peacetime footing with wartime footing,uniting the army with the people,and having a reserve among the people是什么意思



1)upholds the principle of combining peacetime footing with wartime footing,uniting the army with the people,and having a reserve among the people,坚持平战结合、军民结合、寓兵于民的方针2)Adheres to the policy of long-term readiness,construction of key projects,and combination of peacetime footing with wartime footing.,坚持长期准备、重点建设、平战结合的方针3)The system will be further developed into one that integrates the three armed services,unites the army with the people,and combines peacetime and wartime footing.,向三军一体、军民兼容、平战结合的方向发展4)civil-military integration,军民结合5)civil-military integration,寓军于民6)military-civil combined innovation,军民结合促创新


    In order to make an exact and scientific evaluation of civil-military integration strategy in defense enterprise.


    Promoting the application of"civil-military integration"in Chinese ocean technology has profound significance.


    Co nstructing national defense innovation system as civil-military integration system is a vital part of the national innovation system.


    - Combining the armed forces with the people and practicing self-defense by the whole people.


    Combining production of wartime products with peacetime products and integrating military with civilian purposes.


    Promoting the Integration of PLA and Civilian in the Field of Military Logistics Through the Cooperation of PLA and Civilian


    Experience and Enlightenment of the Civil-military Integration in Developed Countries;


    Research of Strengthen the Military and Civilian Reserve System


    Civil-military Connection Boosts UUV Development


    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Civil-military Integration Strategy for Defense Enterprise;


    Defence-related enterprises have long since begun to manufacture both military and civilian products.


    Study on Construction of Military-civil Combined Innovation System of Mianyang Sci-tech City;


    Transition of Defense Industry and Industrial Development of Civil-Military Division in Western Area;


    On Perfecting the Mechanism of Combining Military Needs with Civilian Needs in the Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense;

    借鉴他国经验 完善国防科技工业军民结合机制

    Defence-related enterprises have long since begun to manufacture both military and civilian products. That is the right thing to do.


    The Mechanism and Model for Combining Military with Civil Technologies for Promotion of Regional Innovation:the Case Study from Chongqing Municipality;


    National defense work in China is subordinate to and in service of the nation's


    National defence work in China is subordinate to and in service of the nation's overall economic construction, adhering to the principles of "combining peacetime with wartime" and "integrating the army with the people.


    We should consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.


    The government and the people should support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of servicemen and martyrs, and the army should support the government and cherish the people so as to consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.


    It is essential to persist in building the army through diligence and thrift and establishing and improving an integrated logistic support system for the three armed services, for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime.
