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The Army and the people are one family.;The army and the people-one family.;Soldiers and people are one family.是什么意思



1)The Army and the people are one family.;The army and the people-one family.;Soldiers and people are one family.,军民一家2)The soldiers and civilians are of one heart.,军民一心3)Civil-military integration,军民一体化4)Our fighters and people are of one mind.,军民一条心。5)the combined logistics between military and civil transportation,军民一体化物流6)united and multi-nationality state,统一多民族国家


    The mode of civil-military integration is an effective approach to economize resource,improve benefit and competition ability in military enterprises.


    This essay studies the application of RFID technology to the combined logistics between military and civil transportation from improving the capacity of logistic support.


    What is essential now is that the Party, government, army and people throughout the land work wholeheartedly for national development, taking it into account in everything they do.


    The brigade arrived voluntarily at a center set up to integrate militia fighters into the national army, Ironside told CNN.


    Korean People's Army and Chinese People's Volunteers side


    The general feeling among young South Koreans is that America has overstayed its welcome.


    Frolinat-Premiere Armee Volean


    The 22nd field army is a steady and brave people's army.


    August the first is the Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.


    They should strengthen unity between the troops and the government and unity between the troops and the people, truly achieving commonality, a common fate and a linking of hearts with people of all races.


    The army cherishes the people and the people support the army.

    军爱民, 民拥军。

    Still, in the minds of the Afghan population, the perception is building that Western troops have little scruple about civilian casualties, either.


    The revolting army put forward the slogan of "save the nation; struggle for existence", which helped them win the love of the masses.

    起义军打着救国图存的旗号, 深得民心。

    The broad masseses of people and armymen fought staunchly with one heart and one mind to defeat the aggressors.

    广大军民同心同德, 坚决打败入侵者。

    Efforts were intensified to encourage activities for mutual support between the army on the one hand and the government and people on the other, and this strengthened their solidarity.


    Without a people's army the people have nothing.


    Overhaul the political work in the army in order to achieve unity between officers and men and between the army and the people.


    His people would remain facing an army dedicated to the destruction of every flicker of independence in Indochina.


    Achieve unity between the army and the people and bring the army's militant spirit into play.


    Civil-Military Integration of New Military Transform and Dual-Use Policy Research;
