This essay,taking Gong Zi-zhen s one poem and six ci poems as the study cases,reveals one of his extramarital affairs as well as its final result,which have been neglected by researchers for more than one century.
Based on the discussion on disadvantage of teledrama in the topic about extramarital love and urban affection, the author analyzed the causes of the development and disadvantage formation of this kind of teledrama.
In the book, the extramarital affairs and the complex but delicate female and male psychological attitude are believable.
There are about 400,000 disintegrating families per year in China, which has resulted from extramarital affairs.
Especially in the latest years, extramarital affair has been a serious social problem.
Conflict between Love and Responsibility ——on love affairs of Anna and Francesca;
The phenomenon of extramarital affair shows the trend of increasing gradually at present.
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