RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:Parametric release could provide high-level quality assurance for aseptic drug products.
The theoretic bases and practice requirements of implementing parametric release for the quality evaluation of the terminal sterilized products were described.
综述了对最终灭菌产品的无菌质量评价实行参数放行的理论基础和实践要求 ,以及实施参数放行的意
Effects of in vitro conditions on release behavior of different types of sustained and controlled release formulations of breviscapin;
Objective:To investigate the release behaviors of cupric ion(Cu2+)of three existing Cu-IUDs and indomethacin(IMC)of medicated Cu-IUD.
Release behavior of the volatile compounds in foamed plastics at different temperatures was studied by GC-MS in hyphenation.
The traffic order regularity means the method of crossing management and control such as the lines number, the arrangement of non-turning lane, left-turning lane and right-turning lane, the signal control, etc.
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