Volatility ratio and price limits: An econometric model and empirical research of China stock market;
Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Price Limits on Security Markets;
This paper studied the impact of price limits on the volatility in the stock exchange of China in different aspects,by using the model of volatility introduced by Schwert.
运用Schw ert提出的计算波动性方法,从不同角度实证研究了中国证券交易实行涨跌幅限制对股票市场波动性的影响。
Study on the Intraday Market Effect of Price Limits in China;
Empirical studies of the volatility spillover hypothesis,the delayed price discovery hypothesis,and the trading interference hypothesis can answer this question:Does price limit increase or decrease stock market efficiency? Our empirical studies demonstrate that price limit has a negative effect on market efficiency and it decreases market information efficiency.
We analyze the possible impact of price limit on informed traders behavior and propose three effects caused by price limit.
The price limit rule is part of the market character.
Although the price limit rule is exerted as a policy by regulaters, there is no unify idea in theory or practice.
Based on the time series data of developing institutional investors, this paper constructs a relational model of volatility between the institutional investors of China and the excess price limits of Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.
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