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revoking the business license是什么意思



1)revoking the business license,吊销执照2)Revocation,吊销3)revoke,吊销4)swing hanger cross beam,摇枕吊销5)certificate revocation,证书吊销6)key revocation,密钥吊销


    Windowed Identity-based Revocation;


    The states in litigation of a legal person and its relative substantive right after revocation of business license are the important law problems demanding prompt solution, which exist massively in trail and decision practice.

    法人营业执照被吊销后诉讼地位及相关实体问题,是审判实践中大量存在且又亟待解决的法学 问题,其之所以大量存在,是因为我国现行法人法律制度尚不完善。

    When a company is revoked, what liability should the shareholder be charged with if he fails to wind up the debt? Since there is not any explicit regulation, different judges have different measures.

    有限责任公司被吊销营业执照后未进行清算 ,股东对公司存续期间产生的债务是否应当承担 ,以及承担什么样的责任 ?由于我国现行法律对此无明文规定 ,不同法院、甚至同一法院的不同法官之间存在不同的处理办法。

    Through analyzing of the crackle sample of swing hanger cross beam of 209T bogie.


    An efficient solution to the certificate revocation problem in a digital content protection system;


    Based on the analysis of the algorithm, performance and problem of a novel certificate revocation approach called the windowed revocation mechanism, a new and more efficient certificate revocation mechanism is proposed in this paper.


    A new solution scheme called certificate revocation threaded binary sorted Hash trees (CRTBSHT) for certificate revocation problem in public key infrastructure (PKI) is proposed in this paper.

    提出了公钥基础设施 (public key infrastructure,简称 PKI)中证书吊销问题的一个新的解决方案——线索二叉排序 Hash树 (certificate revocation threaded binary sorted hash tree,简称 CRTBSHT)解决方案 。

    Research on non-interactive key revocation with identity-based encrption;
