China\'s 31 provinces selected for the 2000-2007 panel data from the cross-section estimates and time estimates in terms of real estate prices and the disposable income of residents of the relationship between the empirical research.
The income-house price ratio is refers to the house area that available income per person of downtown can pay in a country or an area.
Based on regression analysis and grey relation analysis of available income per person of downtown and increasing value of every industry in China, the quantity liner model of available income per person of downtown changing with increasing value of every industry is built in using ordinary least squares methods.
Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households (yuan)
The per capita disposable income increased by 8.5% in real terms for urban residents.
The per-capita disposable income of urban residents and the per-capita net income of rural people should rise by about 4 percent in real terms.
Urban residents' disposable income per capita and the farmers and herdsmen's income per capita increased by 62.9 percent and 93.6 percent, respectively;
An analysis of urban resident disposable income inequality in Yangtze River Delta;
The disposable per-capita income of urban residents has increased from 1,376 yuan to 6,860 yuan, an increase of 7.1 percent.
The per-capita net income of rural residents and the per-capita disposable income of urban residents registered an annual increase of 4.7 percent and 5.8 percent in real terms.
the annual growth of urban residents' disposable income per capita should reach around 7% and farmers' net income per capita should increase by 150 yuan each year;
In 1978, the average annual income per urban resident came to 343 RMB yuan, and that per rural resident, 134 RMB yuan.
The per-capita disposable income of city dwellers rose by 3.4 percent, and the per-capita net income of rural residents by 4.6 percent.
城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入分别实际增长3.4%和 4.6%。
According to preliminary estimation, in the first half of this year, the per capital disposable income of urban residents is 2,952 yuan, up 5.9%;
The per-capita disposable income of urban residents averaged 5,793 yuan, up 17.2 percent in real terms when the price factor is taken into account.
The per-capita disposable income of urban residents averaged 6,860 yuan, up 8.5 percent in real terms.
Last year, the per-capita disposable income of urban residents averaged 6,280 yuan, a real increase of 6.4 percent.
Last year, the per-capita disposable income of urban residents increased by 8.5 percent in real terms.
In 2000, the disposable income per urban resident came to 6,280 yuan, or an increase of 6.4 percent over that of the previous year, in real terms;
The annual per capita disposable income of urban households was 5,425 yuan in 1998, a real increase of 5.8 percent if prices change was taken into consideration.
The per-capita disposable income of urban residents rose by around 7 percent, while the per-capita net income of farmers increased by more than 4 percent.
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