Experiment and Analysis Relating to Rolling Rectangular CC Billet into Round Billet for Pipe-making;
Construction Quality Control for Industrial Use Steel Pipelines Buried Underground;
The development of application software of control management and evaluation system for external corrosion of buried pipelines is reviewed,and software frame design,the data base of pipeline external corrosion and basic construction of external corrosion and protection evaluation system are described.
By the analysis on fire automatic alarm control system, the application current situation of architecture fire alarm system and net control management of fire alarm system are discussed.
How did this article carry in the highway construction scene to the dangerous source debates the knowledge to make quite thoroughly the analysis and the discussion,proposed the control management measure,prevented with the reduced construction production safety accident occurrenc
7mm UOE welding tube X60 pipeling steel.
Design and application of computer software system for the control and management in three - dimensional warehouse;
The policies for nonpoint source pollution control and management, issued and implemented in foreign countries, are introduced in details in this paper.
该文从环境管理学、环境政策学角度介绍了国外为控制非点源污染所颁布实施的各种政策 ,包括行政法律、经济手段、教育与自愿参与等方面 ;分析了目前非点源控制管理政策的研究进展 ;指出我国在相关领域存在的问题和不足 ,并提出相关建议。
Then the researches on non-point source pollution models, and control and management in China are reviewed.
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