High-yield and superior quality narrow-compact planting technique system for Hefeng 47 soybean was set an example in big area,and the effect was singnigicant,the average reality yield was 2 925.
通过小区栽培方式与栽培密度试验研究,结果表明:合丰47大豆适宜45 cm小垄窄行密植栽培,较三垄栽培增产4。
42 was suitable to plant under narrow-compact planting which row spacing was 45 cm.
通过小区栽培方式与栽培密度试验研究,得出合丰42大豆适宜45 cm小垄窄行密植栽培。
The effect of the solid seeding on the rule of root system growth and the upside was studied using Heinong41 as a material in 2006.
Its mechanical row distance is24cm while manual transplanting adopted wide-narrow row(19+35cm).
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