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silver wire是什么意思



1)silver wire,银线2)metallic yarn,金银线3)Taizhongyin Road,太中银线4)infraciliature,银线系5)silverline system,银线系统6)Chloranthus japonicus Sied,银线草


    Basing on the technology and performance requirements of special baking paints for vacuum plating aluminum membrane of metallic yarn, a study was conducted to assess the formulation design factors of baking paint printed on it, showing that amino resin as well as other filming resin has distinct effect on performances of backing paint.


    Program Study of Lvliang Section of Taizhongyin Road;


    The living morphology,nuclear apparatus infraciliature and silverline system of Euplotes eurystomus (Wrzesniowski,1870)Kahl,1932,collected from a freshwater pond in Qingdao,China,were examined with silver nitrate and protargol impregnation methods.

    :利用活体观察、蛋白银染色技术及银浸法对阔口游仆虫的活体、纤毛图式和银线系做了研究 。

    The silverline system and the distribution of symbiotic Chlorella of Chlorella -containing P.

    本论文以含共生小球藻绿草履虫和无共生小球藻绿草履虫为实验材料,应用FLUTAX—紫杉醇荧光染色及扫描电镜技术,比较研究了两种不同状态下的绿草履虫细胞表面银线系统分布情况:并以草履虫属内三个类群、13种草履虫为研究材料,对其16s小亚基单位核糖体RNA(16s—like Small Subunit rRNA, SSUrRNA)基因进行了序列测定,以嗜热四膜虫(Tetrahymena thermophila)作为外群,通过CLUSTALW和MEGA2。

    Chloranthus japonicus Sied has been widely used to treat cold rheum, injuries from falls, fracture, rheumatism ache, pulmonary tuberculosis, neurasthenic, impaludism, etc.

    银线草为金粟兰科植物银线草(Chloranthus japonicus Sieb)的植物名。