Quality assessment and improvement for SWRH82B continuous casting billet;
Effect of High Secondary Cooling Intensity on Solidification Structure and Center Carbon Segregation of High Carbon Steel Billet;
Analysis on breakout of billet continuous casting and counter-measures;
Mechanism of central parosity and looseness of small billet is described and analysed.
简述小方坯中心缩孔和疏松的形成机理 ,提出减轻中心缩孔和疏松的措
The reasons of continuous caster leaking are analyzed aiming to the problem of high leaking rate after reforming the small billet cast to improve its efficiency.
针对小方坯连铸高效化改造后拉漏率高的问题 ,分析了造成漏钢的原因 ,介绍了所采取的对策及取得的效果。
Controller performance assessment method of minimum variance based on adaptive filter;
Inverse design approach for minimum variance observers;
It only needs routine closed-loop operating data and knowledge of the process time delay using minimum variance as a benchmark in controller performance assessment.
In this paper,the reasons of cotton poplins little square eye were analysed and discussed.
从力学的角度分析了坯绸织疵小方眼的产生原因和控制小方眼产生的具体办法 ,用于指导生产 ,提高产品质量。
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