It is also pointed out that allelopathy can be seen as one aspect of resistance physiology, and it will be of great importance for the agriculture and environmental protection.
本文论述了逆境对植物各方面造成的伤害及植物产生的相应反应 ,重点对植物在生理生化上的变化、对抗性生理领域中的一些学说和最新研究结果作了介绍 ,并指出相生相克现象也可作为抗逆生理的一个方面加以研究 ,概念扩展后的抗逆生理学必将在农业、环保等方面得到更广泛的应
Being and non-Being create each other. Difficult and easy support each other. Long and short define each other. High and low depend on each other. before and after follow each other.
故有无相生, 难易相成, 长短相形, 高下相倾, 音声相和, 前后相随, 恒也
Being and Non-being, difficult and easy, long and short, high and low, voice and sound, back and forth, they always come in pairs.
Mutually Depend and Exist,Mutually Save and Grow --The Writing Method of Fabricate and True in Artistic work;
相依相存 相济相生——艺术创作中的虚实笔法概观
An Analysis of Aesthetic Information in Poetry;
表里相形 虚实相生——诗词审美信息略论
vapour phase epitaxy (VPE)
liquid phase epitaxy (LPE)
To happen at the same time or during the same period.
The Real Life and the True Meaning of Life-An Attempt to Interpret the Novel“Canglangzhishui”;
I wish we can spend the rest of our lives together, to have a new warm, happy family.
Men may meet but mountain never.
Studies on the Relative Physiological and Biochemical Characters in Sugarcane during the Growth of Internodes;
Enzymatic Synthesis of Biodiesel and Relative Studies;
The students help each other and encourage each other.
The balance of ecology and economy must be complement each other.
Three times. All are equal.
A Study on Correlation between Reproductive Hormone and Pregnant Outcome;
The image originating form the spirit and changing by the spirit--A study on the image design of enterprise;
相由心生 相由心转——论企业形象设计
Relationship between Teachers and Students: from being-with to being-for --Criticizing the Postmodernity;
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