On the Harmonicity of the Crown Q_n (2| n);
The formula for interior coating of crown caps used in beer and beverage glass contains was discussed.
讨论了啤酒、饮料瓶皇冠盖内涂料的配方设计 ,证明由改性聚氯乙烯树脂、环氧树脂、酚醛树脂、溶剂及涂料助剂组成的皇冠盖内涂料具有良好的金属附着性、垫片粘结性、贮存稳定性和易于施工性 ,并介绍了涂料铁的检测方法及影响涂料铁质量的溶剂体系、施工条件、设备状况等诸多因
Determination of Mahkoside A in the Fruits of Mahkota Dewa;
Define Crown graph Gn,m as V(Gn,m)={ui|i=1,2,…,n}∪{vi|i=1,2,…,n}∪ni=1{uij|j=1,2,…,m},E(Gn,m)={u1u2,u2u3,…,unu1}∪{v1v2,v2v3,…,vnv1}∪{uivi|i=1,2,…,n}∪ni=1{uiuij|j=1,2,…,m}∪ni=1{uijui(j+1)|j=1,2,…,m-1},(n3,m1).
定义皇冠图Gn,m为V(Gn,m)={ui|i=1,2,…,n}∪{vi|i=1,2,…,n}∪ni=1{uij|j=1,2,…,m},E(Gn,m)={u1u2,u2u3,…,unu1}∪{v1v2,v2v3,…,vnv1}∪{uivi|i=1,2,…,n}∪ni=1{uiuij|j=1,2,…,m}∪ni=1{uijui(j+1)|j=1,2,…,m-1}),(n 3,m 1)。
Crown reduction and NT algorithm had been thought to be two different approaches of great use in kerneliza- tion of the parameterized Vertex Cover problem.
Among the kernelization algorithms, Crown Reduction and NT algorithm are two major methods which have long been thought to be different from each other.
This paper gives a definition of incomplete crown,and has proved the exclusive sum number of incomplete crown is 3 for all n≥3.
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