Financial departments at all levels should arrange their expenditures so that funding for key items is ensured.
We should advocate hard work and plain living and building our country through thrift and diligence, oppose extravagance and waste, cut all unnecessary administrative expenses, and ensure funding for priority areas.
Prevent" more waste in more expenditures"
Urgently needed expenditures for key construction projects
Stresses of Quality Assurance Audits and Quality Assurance Inspections;
Key enterprises that generate large sums of foreign exchange through export and enjoy a good reputation should be ensured of tax refunds in full and on time.
Presentation of material, such as facts or evidence, in support of an argument or a proposition.
The reform of medical treatment focuses on how to control medical fund payout.
医疗保险制度的改革则把重点集中在如何控制医疗费用的支出 ,即“节支”上 ;
On the Optimization Theory of Financial Expenditure Structure and the Systematic Guarantee;
Special importance has been attached to the improvement of supporting and guarantee systems.
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Inbox is critically low on memory, and needs to exit to preserve the integrity of your data. Inbox will exit when you tap OK.
Undergraduate Students Expenditure and Sources of Individual Expenditure in China;
Also, he must keep careful cost accounting of each block of fruit to be sure it is profitable.
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One of the key problem in ensuring a sustained and healthy development of national economy is how to bring into play,better and faster,the benefits of capital in the hands of residents.
A Model and Empirical Analysis of the Level of Unemployment Insurance Expenditure in China
Influential Factors of R&D Expenditure: Empirical Evidences from Chongqing s Listed Companies;
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