Usually, to conduct these computations, one must know inputs from all the participants, but if nobody can be trusted enough to know all the inputs, privacy becomes a critical i.
安全多方计算问题可以描述为: n个参与者{p_1,p_2,…,p_n},每个P_i持有秘密输入X_i,希望计算一个公共的函数:f(x_1,x_2,…,x_n),计算结束,要求各方得到正确的输出f(x_1,x_2,…,x_n),同时,自己的秘密输入x_i没有泄露给其他的参与者。
This paper points out the security weak points in dynamic secret sharing scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystem in references.
The story is not very complex,but it unfolded a complex、secret course in which the captain was from the self split to the self finds to the self evidence.
作为以海洋为背景的小说 ,《秘密的分享者》是康拉德“空虚的人”时期的一部重要作品。
This paper analyzes the contradictory psychological movement of Tess before she tells her secret to Clare and makes a supposition of a possible ending if Tess does not tell Clare in comparison with the ending as the novel goes.
Serving as two of the fundamental human rights, the freedom and secrecy in communication not only are validated by international human rights pacts and prescribed in China s constitution, but also are under the protection by criminal law and relevant administrative rules.
The scheme is of very strong security,and it allows all users to select their own secret keys.
该方案具有很强的安全性 ,并且允许所有用户自主选择秘密密钥 。
Prohibition of business strife laws on protection of commercial secrets
The paper expounded the constituent elements of the commercial secrets,pointed out the problems in our commercial secrets protecting and put forward some suggestions on protecting our commercial secrets.
With the development of market economy and economic globalization,the protection of commercial secrets is becoming more and more important.
CAVE MAZE Lets you enter hidden stage in the cave.
Pregnant again, the sand fox was giving birth in some secret retreat.
He moved his bed, drew up the stone, rushed into the passage, and reached the opposite extremity; the secret entrance was open.
Excellent choice, sir. Tell you what, I'll even have It placed In your Hidey Hole In barrack 2 for you. Anything else you fancy?
He penetrated into the secret.
I could not penetrate the mystery.
The early Christians held clandestine meetings in caves.
In huts and caves, in the plains and in the mountains, secret conclaves went on again.
And scientists are now beginning to recognize these telltale signs.
Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole.
Divulge to
undercover agents,activities,organizations
He has a keen eye for the secret of the thieves.
Article9. State secrets shall fall into three categories: most confidential, classified and confidential.
Tell your secret to one, but beware of two; what is known to three is known to every one.
Now if only we can do a little snooping and get hold of their secret,' we can recover our losses easily!"
Privacy protection
秘密保护 -数据的
a secret move (to avoid paying debts).
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