The relations between the central and local government in the Song Dynasty;
In the later period of the civil war, the Communist Party of China got final victory and the building-up of countrywide regime of became the agenda, and the construction of Central People s Government has proposed Chinese Communist Party’s agenda.
The centripetal force is crucially vital of the relationship between the frontier and the central,in that various nations have worked together to construct one country ——the People s Republic China.
The article focus on the issue how was Hebei under the central government in the Sui Dynasty.
Probing into local and central government s relation under "new SOE management system";
The Allocation of Executive Powers between Central Government and Local Government;
The decline of the central government brought about the rise of local powers such as Xiang Clique,Huai Clique,and Beiyang Clique during the later Qing Dynasty.
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