Applying Study on The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Teaching of Sit-Up in Junior Girl Students of High School;
"The Intelligent Sit Up Device"is one of the series of products of "The Intelli.
Based on Karl Marx s thought on understanding the objective world, this paper divides buman spirits into four forms of consciousness-knowledge, passion, idea and faith and puts ideal state into another four types-truth, kindness,beauty and loyalty.
依据马克思对客观世界的掌握的思想 ,把人类精神分为知、情、意、信四种意识形式 ,把境界分为真、善、美、仰四种类型。
Having introduced some problems and corresponing effective methods and measures of the fully mechanized caving face under the dip and rising mining condition,and thus providing a practical way foractual mining under similar condition.
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