Our gravity separation research has been carried out in the Yunfu low-grade pyrite ore.
对云浮低品位硫铁矿矿石进行重选试验研究,当原矿约含硫28%、粒度小于4 mm时,采用分级后粗粒跳汰-细粒螺旋选别的重选流程,可以得到最终硫精矿品位37。
The phase speciations of trace thallium in the Yunfu pyrite ore are analyzed, including exchange phase, carbonate phase, oxide phase organic, sulfide phase and phase combined with quartz etc.
分析了云浮硫铁矿中微量铊的相态分布 ,包括可交换相 ,碳酸盐结合相 ,铁锰氧化物结合相 ,有机质及硫化物结合相 ,硅酸盐结合相等相态 。
Concept and practice for utilization of pyrite cinder;
Application of DynaWave scrubber to sulphuric acid production based on pyrite;
Environmental pollution and countermeasures in pyrite resources exploration;
This paper is aimed at introducing the authors' research of the spontaneous combustion characteristics of iron sulfides as a result of the reactions of hydrogen sulfide to the different degrees of humidity of the iron oxide black, iron oxide red and the iron hydroxide.
With the development of iron and steel industry, discharged amount of steel slag and pyrite slag is increased every year.
SEM study of synthetic troilite;
The autoclaved products made of steel slag mixed with pyrite tailing,pyrite tailing and lime or gypsum respectively were studied.
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