Application of lever theory in temporomandibular joint dislocation;
Double-acting Piston Pump with Two-step Output Pressure Driven by Hand Lever;
A Method of Resolving the Lack of Freedom for Hydraulic Fixture of Toggle-Levers with Rolling High Pair Instead of Low Pair;
In the light of 500 kV HVAC and HVDC,especially the problems of heavy line-lifting tool and very hugh labour intensity during live replacing the twin suspension insulator strings with single wire clip of straight circuit for heavy load HVDC,a built-up fork hook based on lever principle was developed instead of the taditional process,the double lifting lines.
针对500 kV交、直流输电线路,特别是大荷载直流输电线路直路双联单线夹悬垂绝缘子串的带电更换时,双提线工艺工具沉重,操作劳动强度极大的问题,提出利用杠杆原理研制组合杠杆叉钩卡代替双提线传统工艺,采用单绝缘吊杆挂接组合杠杆叉钩卡组成提线系统,卸去任意一串绝缘子的张力后,另一串绝缘子和提线系统共用承担导线荷载。
A small lever-loading atmosphere furnace was designed.
设计了一种可用于还原性气氛或惰性气体等工作条件下的小型杠杆加载气氛烧结炉,介绍了它的基本结构和工作原理,该设备具有结构简单、使用灵活、温度和气氛均匀性好、烧结产品一致性高、成品率高等特性,常用烧结温度800~1 200℃,最高烧结温度1 400℃,适用于试验室产品研发工作。
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