A gas turbine disk was simplified to be a shrouded rotating disk system with central cooling air inflow,the disk was heated at rim.
实际的中心进气涡轮盘被简化成中心进气外缘加热的旋转盘模型 ,以实验的方法研究了涡轮旋转盘附近冷气在非定常情况下的流动与换热特性 ,主要是转速变化对盘面温度和盘面的平均努赛尔特数的影响。
An Intelligent Drawing Software System for the Harmonic Drive Series Using Symmetric Disc Wavegenerator;
Three dimension contact finite element analysis of blade and disc assembly is made by means of software MARC,and the distributions of stresses are given under some load conditions.
用大型通用软件MSC/MARC对叶片 /盘组件进行了三维接触有限元分析 ,给出了某些工况下其应力分布规律 ,并对接触分析的计算结果与常规方法所得计算结果进行了比较分析。
3-D Monte Carlo simulations of 4×10~5 pulsars based on the undisturbed finitely thick disk gravitational potential derived by Peng et al.
基于彭秋和等1978年得到的无扰动有限厚盘引力势,根据两个引力势参数(h_(z1)= 0。
Based on 395 late-type spiral galaxies brighter than 15 mag in r-band that selected from Data Release Two of Slogan Digital Sky Survey, we decompose their bulges and disks through one-dimensional fitting of the surface brightness profile, and statistically analyze the color gradients in their disks.
从Sloan巡天第二批释放的数据(Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Data Release Two)中选择了395个在r波段亮于15 mag的晚型旋涡星系作为样本,对样本星系的表面亮度轮廓进行一维两成分(核球与盘)拟合,并着重讨论了盘的颜色梯度,分别用Δc/ΔR和Δc/Δlg R两种形式来拟合。
The phase retstdation of a ray with various incident angle transmitted through a optical-disk substrate was investigated on the theory, as well as the experiment,Birefringence of the PC and glass disk substrates was measured by -using the polarized phase modulation method which be in PMCSA form.
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