- sand and gravel washer砂及砾石洗涤器
- mortar plumpness砂浆饱满度
- water retentivity of mortar砂浆保水性
- screed砂浆底层
- coursing degree of mortar砂浆分层度
- mortar mixing proportion砂浆配合比
- strength classes of mortar砂浆强度等级
- screed to fall砂浆斜面
- inspection for properties of mortar砂浆性能检验
- average degree of consolidation of sand-drained ground砂井地基平均固结度
- Sand bitumen砂沥青
- shingle砂砾,木瓦
- grit砂砾,砂粒
- sand and gravel filter砂砾石过滤器
- grit gulley砂砾雨水进口
- sand fraction砂粒粒组
- sand cinder concrete砂炉渣混凝土
- sand filter bed砂滤床
- emery plate砂轮片
- Dresser砂轮修整器,砂轮刀
- aggregate砂石,骨料,碎石
- sand coarse aggregate ratio砂石比
- aggregate lime content砂石的石灰含量,骨料的石灰含量
- aggregate grading砂石级配,骨料级配
- aggregate structure砂石结构,骨料结构
- aggregate-to-lime ratio砂石与石灰比例
- aggregate-to-cement ratio砂石与水泥比例,砂灰比
- sand finish砂饰面
- sand cement砂水泥
- sand lines砂条纹
- sand silo砂筒仓
- boiling砂涌
- sandy sediment砂质沉积物
- sandy gravel砂质砾石
- Sandy clay loam砂质黏质壤土
- arenite(arenyte)砂质碎屑岩
- sandy clay砂质粘土
- Bar gravel砂洲砾石
- sand gradation砂子粒度级配
- sieve筛,滤网
- Screening plant筛场
- scalping筛出粗块
- sieving method筛分法
- screen and wash筛分和冲洗
- screen筛分机
- screening size distribution curves筛分曲线
- screen mesh筛目
- material retained on sieve筛上筛余物
- screening and washing plant筛洗设备
- sieve size筛眼孔径
- mesh series筛一套
- print晒图
- printing room晒图间
- drying rack晒衣架,晾衣架
- laundry line bracket晒衣绳架,晾衣绳架
- laundry pole holder晒衣竹插筒,晾衣竹插筒
- Hickory山核桃木
- Beech山毛榉木
- slope failure山泥倾泻
- landslide/ landslip山泥倾泻,崩塌
- landslide山泥倾泻,滑坡
- landslip山泥倾泻,滑坡,土地崩塌
- landslip remedial works山泥倾泻补救工程
- landslide scar山泥倾泻残痕,滑坡残痕
- landslip scar山泥倾泻残痕,滑坡残痕,崩塌残痕
- landslide debris山泥倾泻产生的泥石,滑坡泥石
- evidence of landslip danger山泥倾泻的 象
- landslip debris山泥倾泻的泥石
- risk of landslip山泥倾泻风险,滑坡风险
- landslip warning山泥倾泻警报
- landslip warning system山泥倾泻警报系统,滑坡警报系统
- Landslip Investigation Division [Civil Engineering Department]山泥倾泻勘测部(土木工程署)
- landslide surface山泥倾泻面,滑坡面
- landslide hazard山泥倾泻危险,滑坡危险
- landslide study山泥倾泻研究,山泥倾泻调查
- landslip preventive measure[LPM]山泥倾泻预防措施
- landslip preventive works山泥倾泻预防工程
- landslide disaster prevention山泥倾泻灾害防治,滑坡灾害防治
- Slope land Development,Soil and Water Conservation山坡地开发与水土保持
- gable window山墙窗
- gable board山墙顶封铺板
- gable roof山墙屋顶
- foundation treatment in mountain area山区地基处理
- excision area删除地区
- Notice of Deletion删除估价册内物业通知书
- flashing light闪灯
- flashing beacon闪动标灯
- flashing lantern闪动灯具
- flash butt weld闪光对杆
- flashing light indicator闪光指示灯
- stroboscope闪频观测仪