- Administration of Ocean and Fisheries of XX ProvinceXX省海洋与渔业局
- Waterway Bureau of XX ProvinceXX省航道局
- Department of Personnel of XX Province (Office of Government Set-up Committee of XX Province)XX省机构编制委员会办公室
- Bureau of Complete Machinery & Equipment of XX ProvinceXX省机械设备成套局
- Prison Administration of XX ProvinceXX省监狱管理局
- Construction Project Tendering Center of XX ProvinceXX省建设工程交易中心
- Department of Construction of XX ProvinceXX省建设厅
- XX Institute of Architectural Design and ResearchXX省建筑设计研究院
- Department of Communications of XX ProvinceXX省交通厅
- Department of Education of XX ProvinceXX省教育厅
- Education Examination Authority of XXXX省考试中心
- XX Academy of SciencesXX省科学院
- Department of Labor and Social Security of XX ProvinceXX省劳动与社会保障厅
- Forestry Administration of XX ProvinceXX省林业局
- Tourism Administration of XX ProvinceXX省旅游局
- Department of Civil Affairs of XX ProvinceXX省民政厅
- XX Academy of Agricultural SciencesXX省农业科学院
- Department of Agriculture of XX ProvinceXX省农业厅
- XX People's HospitalXX省人民医院
- Office for Combating Smuggling,the People's Government of XX ProvinceXX省人民政府打击走私综合治理办公室
- XX Academy of Social SciencesXX省社会科学院
- Department of Water Resources of XX ProvinceXX省水利厅
- Hydrological Bureau of XX ProvinceXX省水文局
- XX Institute of Sports TechniqueXX省体育运动技术学院
- Administration of Sports of XX Province (Sports Federation of XX Province)XX省体育总会
- Statistics Bureau of XX ProvinceXX省统计局
- Department of Health of XX ProvinceXX省卫生厅
- Department of Culture of XX ProvinceXX省文化厅
- Bureau of Finance of XX MunicipalityXX市财政局
- Bureau of Urban Planning of XX MunicipalityXX市城市规划局
- Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of XX MunicipalityXX市对外贸易经济合作局
- Development Planning Commission of XX Municipality (Grain Administration of XX Municipality)XX市发展计划委员会(XX市粮食局)
- Administration of Industry and Commerce of XX MunicipalityXX市工商行政管理局
- Bureau of Public Security of XX MunicipalityXX市公安局
- Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of XX MunicipalityXX市国土资源和房屋管理局
- Bureau of Environmental Protection of XX MunicipalityXX市环境保护局
- Office of Government Set-up Committee of XX MunicipalityXX市机构编制委员会办公室
- Bureau of Supervision of XX MunicipalityXX市监察局
- Bureau of Education of XX MunicipalityXX市教育局
- Economic Commission of XX Municipality (Bureau of Work Safety of XX Municipality)XX市经济委员会(内设XX市安全生产监督管理局)
- Bureau of Science and Technology of XX MunicipalityXX市科学技术局
- Bureau of Labour and Social Security of XX MunicipalityXX市劳动和社会保障局
- Administration of Reeducation through Labour of XX MunicipalityXX市劳动教养工作管理局
- Forestry Administration of XX MunicipalityXX市林业局
- Bureau of Civil Affairs of XX MunicipalityXX市民政局
- Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of XX MunicipalityXX市民族宗教事务局
- Bureau of Agriculture of XX Municipality (Bureau of Marine and Fishery of XX Municipality)XX市农业局 (XX市海洋与渔业局)
- Family Planning Bureau of XX MunicipalityXX市人口和计划生育局
- Office of Civil Air Defense of XX MunicipalityXX市人民防空办公室
- Counselor's Office,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府参事室
- Office for Combating Smuggling,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府打击走私领导小组办公室
- Legislative Affairs Office,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府法制办公室
- Overseas Chinese Affairs Office,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府侨务办公室
- Taiwan Affairs Office,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府台湾事务办公室
- Foreign Affairs Office,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府外事办公室
- Research Office,the People's Government of XX Municipality (Office of Economic Restructuring of XX MuXX市人民政府研究室(XX市经济体制改革办公室)
- Representative Office in ###,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府驻###办事处
- Representative Office in Beijing,the People's Government of XX MunicipalityXX市人民政府驻北京办事处
- Bureau of Personnel of XX MunicipalityXX市人事局
- Bureau of Commerce of XX MunicipalityXX市商业局
- Bureau of Audit of XX MunicipalityXX市审计局
- Bureau of City Appearance,Environment and Sanitation of XX MunicipalityXX市市容环境卫生局
- Bureau of Urban Utilities and Landscaping of XX MunicipalityXX市市政园林局
- Bureau of Water Resources of XX MunicipalityXX市水利局
- Bureau of Justice of XX MunicipalityXX市司法局
- Administration of Sports of XX MunicipalityXX市体育局
- Bureau of Health of XX MunicipalityXX市卫生局
- Bureau of Culture of XX MunicipalityXX市文化局
- Administration of Radio of XX MunicipalityXX市无线电管理办公室
- Price Control Administration of XX MunicipalityXX市物价局
- Drug Administration of XX MunicipalityXX市药品监督管理局
- Intellectual Property Office of XX MunicipalityXX市知识产权局
- Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of XX MunicipalityXX市质量技术监督局
- League of Arab States (Arab League;LAS)阿拉伯国家联盟(阿盟)
- Arab Monetary Fund (AMF)阿拉伯货币基金组织
- Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU)阿拉伯经济统一委员会
- arab league阿拉伯联盟(阿盟)
- Arab League Educational,Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)阿拉伯联盟教科文组织
- Union de Maghreb Arabe (UMA);Union of the Arab Maghreb阿拉伯马格里布联盟
- Patriotic Hygiene Campaign爱国卫生运动
- Andean Common Market (ANCOM)安第斯共同市场
- Andean Pact Organization (APO);Pacto Andino (PA)安第斯条约组织
- To ensure that the daily needs of the people are met安排人民生活
- Ministry of State Security安全部
- carry out more special programs to address safty problems安全专项整治
- officer appointed on local terms按本地条款受聘的公务员
- per diem,prorate按比例
- officer on overseas permanent terms按海外条款受聘的常额编制公务员
- officer appointed on overseas terms按海外条款受聘的公务员
- on agreement按合约方式
- push-botton phone;Touch-Tone;keyphone按键式电话