- 拼音dī
- 部首土
- 总笔画12画
- 笔顺横、竖、提、竖、横折、横、横、横、竖、横、撇、捺 [堤的笔画笔顺写法]
- 编码UNICODE5824 五笔FJGH 仓颉GAMO 郑码BKAI 四角46181
dikedykemoundembankmentbankearth banklevee banksdamlevee
- 用土石等材料修筑的挡水的高岸:河~。海~。~岸。~坝。~防。~堰。
- (形声。从土,是声。本义:河堤,堤坝)
- 同本义 [dike;dyke]
- 隄,唐也。——《说文》
- 完堤防。——《礼记·月令》
- 脩堤梁。——《荀子·王制》
- 河堤绕绿水。——唐· 李白《赠清漳明府侄聿》
- 又如:河堤;海堤;堤埽(堤和埽。亦泛指堤坝);堤唐(高出地面的中庭甬道)
- 陶器的底座 [base]
- 蓼菜成行,瓶瓯有堤。——《淮南子》
- 堤坝建成後水已加深。
The water deepened after the dam was built. - 河岸决堤後,田地遭洪水淹没。
When the river burst its banks the fields were inundated. - 河水冲破堤岸,淹没了山谷。
The river had burst its banks and flooded the valley. - 河水上涨至与堤岸相平。
The water rose until it was on a level with the river banks. - 那客货车沿堤坝向下滑动了(几英尺)。
The van slipped (a few feet) down the embankment. - 修了一道堤坝挡住洪水。
A dyke was built to retain the floods. - 村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。
The village was swept away when the dam burst.