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  • reply
  • answer
  • response
  • in answer to
  • respond
  • rejoin
  • reply to
  • replication
  • return
  • rejoinder
  • ans.
  • answerable
  • kickback
  • answerback
  • responding
  • respondence
  • responsor
  • 参考释义



    • 如果你同意我的意见,就明白地回答“是”。
      Answer with a plain "yes" if you agree with me.
    • 既然你无法回答这个问题,我们最好再问问别人。
      Since you can't answer the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else.
    • 他没有给我回答他问题的机会。
      He gave me no chance to reply to his question.
    • 他温和的回答使她冷静下来。
      The softness of his reply calmed her down.
    • 他的回答在我听来象是责备。
      His reply sounded to me like a reproach.
    • 多聪明的回答啊!
      What a sage reply you gave!
    • 她的刻薄的回答激怒了我。
      Her tart reply offended me.
    • 最简短的回答是干。
      The shortest answer is doing.