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  • equilibrium
  • balance
  • balame
  • equilibration
  • poise
  • equipoise
  • equilibrate
  • set against
  • trim
  • in equilibrium
  • equilibria
  • balancing
  • trimming
  • equalize
  • equalization
  • counterpoise
  • equation
  • balance out
  • 参考释义



    • 这个天平不平衡。
      This pair of scales is not in equilibrium.
    • 这家公司的帐目收支是否平衡?
      Do the firm's accounts balance?
    • 人类采用一切手段保持生态平衡。
      Mankind have been trying every means to maintain the balance of nature.
    • 他骑自行车不能保持平衡。
      He can't maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike.
    • 海豚用鼻子顶着球,使其保持平衡。
      The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose.
    • 小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。
      The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.
    • 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美。
      She performed on the balance beam with much grace.
    • 那个滑冰的人很快恢复了平衡。
      The skater quickly recovered his balance.