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  • to keep
  • to maintain
  • to preserve
  • maintenance
  • maintain
  • keep
  • escot
  • carry through
  • upkeep
  • keep...up
  • last
  • sustain
  • manage
  • hold out
  • prop
  • preserve
  • make good
  • hold
  • mainterance
  • 参考释义



    • 他们的工资勉强够维持生活的。
      Their wages are barely enough to keep the wolf from the door.
    • 因无人维持秩序,教室里一片混乱。
      With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic.
    • 那个工厂需要大量钢铁以维持生产。
      The factory is in great demand of steel to keep up production.
    • 总之,唯有当严刑峻罚加之于违法之徒时,才能维持社会安定。
      To sum up, only when strict punishment can be imposed on the lawless, can social stability be maintained.
    • 那位老师无法维持教室纪律。
      The teacher can't keep discipline in her class.
    • 为了维持身体健康,一个人应该吃有益健康的食品,并经常锻炼身体。
      In order to maintain physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise.
    • 我们的钱只能勉强维持到周末。
      We had barely enough money to last through the weekend.
