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  • to get up
  • get up
  • got up
  • hit the deck
  • show a leg
  • turn...out
  • uprising
  • rising
  • up
  • rise
  • astir
  • get out of bed
  • tumble up
  • uprise
  • be up
  • 参考释义



    • 她一大早就起床了。
      She rose with the lark.
    • 今天早晨我起床晚了,错过了公共汽车。
      I got up late this morning and missed the bus.
    • 这个勤奋的学生每天天亮以前就起床了。
      The diligent student gets up before dawn every day.
    • 上星期天我十点钟起床。
      I got up at ten last Sunday.
    • 她咕哝着说还不想起床。
      She mumbled that she didn't want to get up yet.
    • 他非常讨厌早起床。
      He has a strong aversion to getting up early.
    • 今天早晨我起床很早。
      I got up early this morning.
    • 现在起床还太早。
      It's too early for getting up.