Injun 美洲土著
- Injun (n.)
- 1812 (from 1683 as Ingin), spelling representing American English colloquial pronunciation of Indian (q.v.). Honest Injun as an asseveration of truthfuless first recorded 1868, from the notion of assurance extracted from Indians of their lack of duplicity.
"Honest Injun?" inquired Mr. Wilder, using a Western phrase equivalent to demanding of the narrator of a story whether he is strictly adhering to the truth. ["The Genial Showman," London, 1870]
The term honest Indian is attested from 1676.
- 1. But for that, Injun Joe never would have suspected.
- 要不是这两样工具, 印第安-乔决不会起疑心.
来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
- 2. He felt willing to risk Injun Joe and all other terrors.
- 他现在觉得就是遇到印第安-乔和什么别的危险也不怕.
来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
- 3. This voice made the boys gasp and quake. It was Injun Joe's!
- 这个声音吓得两个孩子喘不过气来,直发抖, 是印第安-乔的声音!
来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
- 4. Injun Joe's bowie - knife lay close by, its blade broken in two.
- 印第安-乔的那把猎刀还在他身边, 刀刃已裂成两半.
来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
- 5. Tom glanced at Injun Joe's iron face and his tongue failed him.
- 看见印第安-乔那张冷酷的脸,汤姆舌头僵住了,讲不出话来.
来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险