- 1. These widely varying sizes cancause noticeable artifacts, particularly if the object is lit and rotating.
- 这些大小差异可以造成引人注目的纰漏(artifacts?), 尤其是当物体被照亮并旋转的时候.
- 2. Since 1979, the state has given gold and silver awards for the best industrial artifacts.
- 从1979年以来国家为优秀工艺品颁发了金奖和银奖.
- 3. This year's excavations may reveal ancient artifacts.
- 今年的挖掘可能会发现史前古器物。
- 4. What aspects of the calendar are artifacts of its old, Mechanical - Age platform?
- 日历的哪些方面是老的机械时代平台的产物呢?在计算机中日历很容易成为连续的日期、星期或者月份的滚动序列, 如图 2-4 所 示 .
来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 5. Designers, on the other hand , create artifacts for people other than themselves.
- 再者, 设计者创造物品是为了人们,而不是为了自己.
来自About Face 3交互设计精髓