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  • 英式英标[\'tɝtl]
  • 美式音标[\'tɜːt(ə)l]

n. 龟,甲鱼;海龟

n. (Turtle)人名;(英)特特尔


turtle 乌龟,鸽子,斑鸠

1.乌龟,改写自法语 tortue,来自古法语 tortue,来自拉丁语 tortuca,乌龟,词源同 tortoise.拼写 可能受另一个词 turtle 影响。 2.鸽子,斑鸠,来自古英语 turtle,异化自拉丁语 turtur,斑鸠,韵律重复拟声构词。


turtle: Turtle the dove [OE] and turtle the marine reptile [17] are different words. The former was borrowed from Latin turtur, which no doubt originated in imitation of the bird’s cooing. It is now encountered only in the compound turtledove, first recorded in the 13th century. Turtle the reptile is more of a mystery. It is generally assumed to be an alteration of French tortue ‘tortoise’ (source of English tortoise [15]), but since it is not known where that came from, it does not get us much further.

The expression turn turtle (which dates from the 19th century) alludes to the practice of sailors turning turtles over on to their backs, like beetles, so that they were helpless and could be easily captured.

=> tortoise
turtle (n.1)
"tortoise," c. 1600, originally "marine tortoise," from French tortue, tortre (13c.) "turtle, tortoise" (often associated with diabolical beasts), of unknown origin. The English word perhaps is a sailors' mauling of the French one, influenced by the similar sounding turtle (n.2). Later extended to land tortoises; sea-turtle is attested from 1610s.
turtle (n.2)
"turtledove," Old English turtle, dissimilation of Latin turtur "turtledove," a reduplicated form imitative of the bird's coo. Graceful, harmonious and affectionate to its mate, hence a term of endearment in Middle English. Turtle-dove is attested from c. 1300.


1. The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.
2. A turtle in a jar is certainly caught within the reach.
3. The tug nearly turned turtle twice, but I managed to keep her upright.
4. The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.
5. If you turn over a turtle on its back, it will become helpless.
假如你把海龟翻过来, 它就无能为力了.