Progress on treatment of animal virus with antagonists;
Recent advances of six infectious cloning techniques of animal viruses was summarized: plasmidbased transfecant rescue system, PolIPolⅡtranscription rescue system, bacterial artificial chromosome operating system, cosmid operating system, yeast artificial chromosome operating system and bacmid operating system.
综述了6种动物病毒传染性克隆技术:重组质粒转染子挽救系统,PolI PoⅡ转录挽救系统,Bac操作系统,Cosmid操作系统,YAC操作系统以及Bacmid操作系统;涵盖了动物RNA病毒,DNA病毒以及昆虫杆状病毒;比较了各系统的优缺点和适应范围,指出了动物传染性克隆技术的应用前景。
The teaching problem of animal pathology course in food safety specialty is expatiated in this pa- per from the current situation of this profession and the problems in teaching.
With the double-quick development of immunology and biology, animal pathology has a good chance.
On basis of summarizing the history in animal pathology,this paper put forward a new viewpoint that the crossing contact is the characteristic of animal pathology in moderatimes and the portrait contact will be the feature of animal pathology in the future.
本文在分析动物病理学的发展史及现状的基础上 ,提出了可将现代动物病理学概括为横向联系 ,未来动物病理学则为纵向深入的新观点。
Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and the development of diagnosing animal virosis by using the reaction;
The research progress on viral hepatitis of animals in our lab is briefly described.
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