The result indicates that the cupping value is increasing with increase of thickness,the cupping value is decreasing with increase of blank holding force.
The cupping value of lubricated aluminum alloy sheet is studied by BCS-30D general sheet metal test machine.
and compared with those parameters of 6010 aluminum alloy; By using machine performance parameters of 6061 aluminum alloy ,finite element software eta/DYNAFORM of Sheet Forming made the numerical simulation of Erichsen tester process of 6061 aluminum alloy sheet,and the result of numerical simulation compared with actual Erichsen tester.
利用电子万能试验机、扫描电镜等手段,对6061铝合金板材的拉伸性能进行了研究,并与6010铝合金的各项力学性能参数进行了比较;利用拉伸试验所测的力学性能参数,用板料成形有限元分析软件 --Dynaform 对6061铝合金的杯突过程进行仿真,并与真实的杯突试验进行了比较,分析了6061铝合金薄板的冲压成形性能。
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