The negative communication is one of the most important reasons for interpersonal conflicts, because no matter what the form and action is, it obviously conflicts with the esteem needs of people.
There are essential differences and links between self-esteem and its close concepts such as need for self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-worth, self-concept and so on.
The need for self-esteem is one of the most basic meed to human and play an important dominant role in person’s life, so it has been paid close attention by lots of researchers.
The present study introduced a social-exchange model of organizational citizenship behavior incorporating both direct exchange and indirect exchange,and explored the critical roles of organizational identification and need for self-esteem in the social exchange process.
But,in order to keep abreast of the world of the economic development,the science and technology progress and to suit the double needs of the people s material life and cultural life,how to raise further aesthetic level of China s economic construction has become an im.
但是 ,如何进一步提高我国经济建设的审美水平 ,以适应世界经济发展、科技进步和人们物质生活与精神生活的双重需要 ,已经成为我国现代化建设的重要课题。
Sociological Research on Self-esteem Needs of the Junior High School Students with Learning Difficulties
The Impacts of Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived External Prestige on Organizational Citizenship Behavior:Organizational Identification as Mediator and Need for Self-esteem as Moderator
The correct view is that the more the remoulding, the greater one's self-respect. If anything, the result should be a sense of self-respect since one has awakened to the need for remoulding.
The Chinese consumers need respect but not deception or fraud!
Self-eseem - that's really the most important thing.
If you need help from a counselor or a support group,get it. Don't let your pride master you.
The Relative Study Among the Achievement, Self-esteem Levels and Coping Styles;
Just man will oneself respect oneself, and otherwise can not be respected by man.
Respect your own needs and boundaries.
Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, Reverend Captain.
Hence, the need for workers to show them more respect.
We acknowledge that the demands of a hierarchy must be respected.
Improving Moral Education in University with Respect to Student s Needs;
尊重学生需要 改善高校德育工作
But my pride was stung because I had been made to look a liar and I could not respond to his need.
I would always rather be happy than dignified.
"To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities"
To preserve a friend, three things are required: to honor him when present, praise him when absent, and assist him in his necessities.
For those aggressive acts that do involve the perpetrators' self-regard, we believe that threatened egotism is crucial.
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