On the Concept of Harmony Between Man and Nature in Ancient Chang an Culture from the View of Dao Fa Zi Ran;
WenXin DiaoLong by Liu Xie explains the essentials of literature with natural literary view.
Her literature ideas came to be based on naturalness under the regional culture,in the contemporary and linguistic context,Zhang Hong applied the traditional ideal of basing on naturalness to literary and artistic creation,from the relationship among the freedom of literary expression aesthetic spirit and aesthetic angle in the reality and truth,making Zhang Hong unique magic.
In his later years, SUN Li s aesthetic ideas came to be based on the ideal of naturalness.
In the period of Weijinnanbei Dynasty, the development of metaphysics facilitated the reconsideration of the relationship between deity and human being, on the basis of which the positive disaster theory was founded under the influence of naturalistic ideology.
魏晋南北朝时期 ,玄学的兴盛促进了人们对天人关系的重新理解 ,由此形成了天道自然观下的进步灾害思想。
The Difference between Taoistic Thought Emulates Nature and Western Natural Law
Taoistic thought emulates nature--Analysis of Tao Te Ching from the perspective of legal philosophy;
Economic Freedom and the Daoist Thought of "Dao Follows the Way of Itself": A Comparative Study;
The Research on the Relationship of"Law from the nature"and Design Back to the Nature
On the Concept of Harmony Between Man and Nature in Ancient Chang an Culture from the View of Dao Fa Zi Ran;
On Harmonious Wisdom in Lao Tzu s "Tao Regarding Itself as the Method";
The Flower Goddess Myth of Zhuang Nationality and Its Living Poetic Theory on "Tao Taking Nature as Its Law";
Tao Follows Nature--Green Inspiration from Chinese Classical Gardens
Be Following the Naturalness to Freedom: Zhuang Zi’s Enrichment and Development to Lao Zi’s Thought of “Tao Conforms to Naturalness”;
Immortal Music of Silence and Clearness Following with the Concept Dao Emulates Nature--Research on the Music Culture of Taoism
"There are four supremes in the universe, and the person is one of them. The person reflects the earth. The earth reflects heaven. Heaven reflects the Way. And the Way reflects its own nature."
域中有四大,而人居其一焉。 人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然
″Learning law from nature″and″Copying nature″--View on Pre-Qin and ancient Greece aesthetics thinking;
System of Elementary Education in Israel and its Enlightenment;
In the Field of Natural Practices and Passive Learning--A Discussion of Lao Zi s Philosophy on Education;
Lao Tze s " Dao Regarding Itself as the Method "Thought to the Value that Sets up" Harmonious Society";
Tao Follows Nature and Poetic Habitation--A Comparison of two theories on heaven and man;
The Magic Arts Nature Great Significance:Plastic Arts of Bionic Architecture
道法自然 意味隽永——仿生建筑的造型艺术
Nature of "Tao" in Calligraphy
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