Presents a design procedure for the ice storage tank with parallel ice coils based on studies of its ice making and melting performance, and believes this discussion will be beneficial for the serialization of the ice storage tank and for energy saving control in the ice storage air conditioning system.
The system of ice-making by spraying water in winter and utilizing the ice in summer economizes the first investment,operating cost,pollution-tree and reduces the peak of electric power in summer.
Based on the heat transfer model in reference the ice making performance of a cool storage tank with parallel connection ice coils are simulated and the calculation results are discussed.
Prospects of the dynamic ice-making technique by supercooled water;
Ice slurry technology is one of the newest ways in cold thermal energy storage and dynamic ice-making fields,which can effectively balance the power charge.
This work describes a new dynamic ice-making method for ice-storage air condition.
Study on domestic solar ice maker;
A multi-function heat pipe type adsorption ice maker, which uses activated carbon-CaCl2 as compound adsorbent and ammonia as refrigerant, was designed.
Solar solid adsorption ice maker and its property were obtained by experiments under various solar irradiation.
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