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1)thermocline,跃变层2)jump,跃变3)leaping,跃变4)leap,跃变5)abrupt change,跃变6)transition,跃变


    According to the tactical background that submarines use thermocline to escape active sonar,the effect of thermocline on active sonar searching submarine was studied.


    After switching, the original state of circuit capacity voltage or circuit inductance current hasn t the jump normally, but sometimes there can be the jump.


    The results indicate that annual temperature has three relatively big jumps in recent one hundred years which happens in 1920, 1955 and 1978 respectively.

    指出 :①我国气温有 3次全国性的跃变 ,分别在 192 0、195 5和 1978年 ,每个阶段平均持续期为 30年 ,这和北半球气温跃变点是基本一致的 ;②我国气温从 1978年开始进入了一个稳定增温的气候阶段 ,直到目前全国年平均气温比上一气候阶段增加了 0 。

    The jump was defined as the level that the preceding numbers of R data could not completely describe the present value.


    In the cutset of capacitive branch in which voltage s leaping is possible, if there is no impulse current in those branches except for capacitive ones, capacitive charge is conservational, otherwise it may be not conservational.

    动态电路换路时 ,若存在由纯电容和理想电压源构成的回路 ,则电容电压就有可能跃变 ,在含电压可能跃变的电容支路的割集中 ,若除电容支路外的支路中无冲激电流存在 ,则电容电荷守恒 ,否则电容电荷有可能不守恒 ;若存在由纯电感和理想电流源构成的割集 ,则电感电流就有可能跃变 ,在含电流可能跃变的电感支路的回路中 ,若除电感支路外的支路中无冲激电压存在 ,则电感磁链守恒 ,否则电感磁链有可能不守恒。

    This paper provides three examples of sudden change phenomenon involved leaps of derivative,and original function is continuous.


    The law that the voltage on a capacitance and the current in a inductance can t leap is deduced in the case that the voltage and the current are finite.


    In this paper, the reconstruction of 6 regional dry /wet grade series with one--year resolution for the last 1 033 years in East China and the variation feature of them, such as periodicity and abrupt change, are presented.


    Continuity on first derivative of wave function is discussed by means of several instances of finite and infinite transitions of potential function and hereby continuity conditions is pinpointed.
