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deferred payment是什么意思



1)deferred payment,逾期付款2)overdue,逾期3)overdue loan,逾期放款4)Late delivery,逾期送达5)overdue rate,逾期率6)Past Due,逾期量7)overdue penalty,逾期罚款8)overdue loan,贷款逾期9)Over due proof,逾期证据10)Delinquency,逾期还款


    Library has made "fine for overdue returning books payment", there is not only follow the law, but also contradict of real relationship each other between reader and library.

    图书馆对“逾期还书罚款”的规定缺少法律依据 ,而且有悖与读者之间的真实关系。

    Late delivery of freight is an important factor affecting market competition of railway freight service.


    The influences of Past Due,Offset Time and Safety Time on the MRP logic model are analyzed in detail,which is in according with the international standard and practical demand.


    According to the related laws and regulations in China, the authors point out that the implementation of the system of borrower overdue penalty is a piracy behavior in the library, which has no legal gist and surpasses related stipulations.

    作者根据国家的有关法律法规 ,提出了图书馆实行借书逾期罚款制度无法律依据 ,超越了有关规定 ,是一种侵权行为 ;同时对做好读者服务工作 ,加强图书馆规章制度的宣传教育方面谈了自己的看法。

    The Implementation of ALS Delinquency Operation Using Mainframe Technology;
